Tag Archives: wilderness

There is a Voice Crying in the Wilderness

cropped-banner2.jpgThere is a voice crying in the wilderness.  This voice weeps and wails, and to hear it is to feel the ache of a mother who has just lost her only son to the ravages of war.  To hear it is to be struck to your core with the pain of a child who has no home to return to, and whose family has died of disease and starvation.

Many have heard this voice, and have stuffed their fingers into their ears.  Many have closed their windows and turned on their televisions, hoping to drown out the dirge that echoes from every direction.   But their efforts are in vain.

We cannot escape this voice.  It cannot be drowned out, and any amount of distraction is merely temporary.  It comes to us in the night, while we are sleeping.  It grows louder with each day, with each moment.  We cannot escape this voice, try as we may, because it is our own.

It is the voice of a people whose cities have been burned to the ground, whose fields have been commandeered by international profiteers, whose children have been sold into slavery and prostitution.  It is the voice of a people left without clean air to breath, clean water to drink, or clean soil in which to grow food.  It is the voice of the Earth.

And the Earth weeps not only for those who suffer, but for those who fear suffering as well.  For it is known that one shall perpetuate the other.  And so the Earth cries out to us, invoking the courage of heart that is our birthright, entreating us to be bold and fearless in our alignment with the forces of Love.

Let us now awaken to the truth of what we have sown.  Let us recognize the suffering that surrounds us, and open our hearts to those who suffer.  Let us tear down the walls that we have erected, and offer refuge to those in need.

We are a family, and our brethren are starving.  Our children are living in burned out, hollow homes, mired in sewage.  Our mothers are dying of diseases that we have the means to cure, if only we would offer them.  Our fathers are shot dead on sight out of suspicion and blind hatred.  Our cousins are growing food to feed us, but they have not enough food to feed themselves.  Our uncles and aunts labor for endless hours each day so that we can afford to have three shirts instead of one.

Let us open our eyes to see.  The truth beckons our awareness, calling us to attention.  And it is this very truth which shall set us free.

For the inextinguishable power of Love waits now to assume its position as Ruler of this world.  Those who oppose it shall be defeated.  Let us rise to meet this test with all of the inborn dignity and courage that is our inheritance.  Let us join together as a family of souls, One in Purpose, One in Hope, One in Heart.